龚岩栋 教授 博士生导师



性别:男 || 出生年月:1972年1月 || 政治面貌:中共党员


最后学历:博士 || 最后学位:博士 || 获学位单位:北京交通大学

是否留学:是 || 留学国别:新加坡 || 留学时间:2000~2019

联系方式: || 邮箱:eydgong@bistu.edu.cn || 通讯地址:北京市海淀区清河小营东路12号


硕导/博导:博导 || 批硕/博导时间:1999首次获评硕导,北京交通大学/2019年硕导认定,威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站;2008年首次获评博导,新加坡/2021.12博导认定,威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站









(1) 2019/12至今,威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,威廉体育williamhill,教授(3级), 博士生导师

(2) 2002/09至2019/12,新加坡国立信息通信研究院,光子技术部,研究员

(3) 2000/11至2001/08,新加坡南洋理工大学,EEE/NTRC,博士后, 导师: Shum Ping

(4) 1999/07至2000/11,北京交通大学,电子信息工程学院,副教授

(5) 1998/07至1999/06,北京交通大学,电子信息工程学院,讲师


曾讲授光纤通信新技术,光纤测量技术,Optical fiber communication等课程。





(1) Yandong Gong, P.Shum, D.Y.Tang, C.Lu, X Guo. 660GHz Solitons Source Based on Modulation Instability in Short Cavity. Optics Express, 2003,11(20), 2480-2485

(2) Banghong Zhang, Yandong Gong. Achromatic terahertz quarter waveplate based on silicon grating. Optics Express, 2015,23(11), 14897-14902

(3) Yandong Gong, M. Tang, P. Shum, C Lu, J.Wu and K.Xu. Dual-Wavelength 10-GHz Actively Mode-locked Erbium Fiber Laser Incorporating Highly Nonlinear Fibers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2005 17(12), 2547-2549

(4) Yandong Gong, P. Shum, D.Y. Tang, C. Lu, X.Guo, V. Paulose, W. S. Man and H. Y. Tam. Regimes of Operation States in Passively Mode-Locked Fiber Soliton Ring Laser. Optics and Laser Technology, 2004, 36,299-307

(5) Yandong Gong, Li T. J., Cai Q., Li Q., Wang Z., Guan Yali, Zhang J.S, Jian S.S. Novel B/Ge Co-doped photosensitive fiber and dispersion compensation in 8*10Gbit/s DWDM system. Optics and Laser Technology.2000. 32.23-31

(6) Yandong GONG.Guideline for the Design of a Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature and Strain Sensor Optics Communications. 2007.272(1).227-237

(7) Zaichun CHEN, Yandong GONG, Hui Dong, Takashi Notake, Hiroaki Minamide. Terahertz Achromatic Quarter Wave Plate: Design, Fabrication, and Characterization Optics Communications. 2014 311. 1-5

(8) Yandong Gong, Banghong Zhang.Investigations on Polarimetric Terahertz Frequency Domain Spectroscopy. Applied Physics A. 2014 115(1), 83-86

(9) Yandong Gong, P.Shum, T.H. Cheng, Q. Wen, D.Y.Tang. Bound soliton pulses in passively mode-locked fiber laser.Optics Communications,2001,200(1-6), 389-399

(10) Yandong Gong, P. Shum, D. Y. Tang, C. Lu, Z. W. Qi, W. J. Lai, W. S. Man and H. Y. Tam. Closed spaced ultra-short bound solitons from DI-NOLM figure 8 fiber laser. Optics Communications, 2003 220/4-6, 297-302

(11) Yandong GONG, Ong Ling Chuen Michael, Jianzhong Hao, Varghese Paulose. Extension of Sensing Distance in a ROTDR with an Optimized Fiber. Optics Communications, 2007 280(1), 91-94

(12) Yandong GONG, Ong Ling Chuen Michael, Jianzhong Hao, Varghese Paulose. Generation of Dual Wavelength Ultrashort Pulse Outputs from a Passive Mode Locked Fiber Ring Laser. Optics Communications, 2006, 265(2), 628-631

(13) Yandong GONG, Ong Ling Chuen Michael, Varghese Paulose, Syed Naveen Altaf Ahmed. Optimized Fiber in Distributed Brillouin Fiber-optic Sensor. Optical Engineering, 2008,47(2),024401

(14) Yandong Gong, C.Lu. Bandwidth Enhanced Multimode Fiber. Optical Engineering, 2007, 46(4), 045006

(15) Yandong Gong, P. Shum, C. Lu, D.Y. Tang. Mechanism of bound soliton pulse formation in a passively mode locked fiber ring laser. Optical Engineering, 2002 41(11), 2778-2882

(16) Yandong Gong, P. Shum, C. Lu, D.Y. Tang. A Passively Mode-Locked Fibre Ring Laser with Tunable Repetition Rate Output. Optical Engineering, 2005, 44(6), 060505

(17) Yandong Gong, P. Shum, D.Y. Tang, C. Lu, T.H. Cheng, Z.W. Qi, Y.L. Guan, W.J. Lai, W. S. Man, H. Y. Tam. Bound solitons with pulse width of 103fs and separation of 585.5fs from DI-NOLM Figure-8 fiber laser. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2003, 39(2), 163-164

(18) Yandong Gong,Dong Hui, Varghese Paulose. Simple Methods to Measure Partial Polarization Parameters in the THz Band Using THz-TDS. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2010 52(9), 2005-2007

(19) Yandong Gong, M.Y.W. Chia, B. Luo. Terahertz Spectroscopy Technology Trend Using 1550nm Ultrafast Fiber Laser Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2007 49(2), 439-443

(20) Yandong Gong, Hui Dong and Zhining Chen.Cross-polarization Response of a Two-contact Photoconductive Terahertz Detector. International Journal of Terahertz Science and Technology, 2011, 4(3), 137-148


在新加坡南洋理工大学的博士后期间,研制的超短双孤子脉冲光纤激光器,直接输出脉冲宽度窄到72飞秒,在当时属于世界记录。而后本人加入新加坡信息与通信研究院(Institute for Infocomm Research)主要工作于光纤传感和太赫兹技术领域。2005年首先提出并设计了宽带的多芯通信光纤概念;2009年研制出首片超宽带宽的太赫兹偏振波片;2010年研制出首台偏振式太赫兹时域谱分析系统;2012年将太赫兹技术应用于癌症检测并发现癌细胞相比正常细胞具有更大的双折射和偏振相关损耗;2013年与日本RIKEN合作研制出首台偏振式太赫兹频域谱分析系统;2017年,成功设计用反射太赫兹成像法测量航空航天用复合材料中的空气间隙水平;2018年,将光纤传感应用于海事船只和安全等多项工业应用中。尤其在太赫兹频谱分析和太赫兹成像技术领域,2009年我们首次提出并把光学偏振测量技术经过技术改良的方法算法应用于太赫兹时域谱分析仪上,成功做出了世界首台偏振式太赫兹时域谱分析仪(Polarimetric THz-TDS)。得益于此项成果,引来了国际合作伙伴――国际上非常出名的日本理化研究院(RIKEN)团队,在国际合作框架下,他们与我们的合作又开发出了世界首台偏振式太赫兹频域谱分析仪(Polarimetric THz-FDS),可以额外测量所有的太赫兹波段的偏振参数。