性别:女 || 出生年月:1989年6月 || 政治面貌:中共党员
最后学历:研究生 || 最后学位:博士 || 获学位单位:斯图加特大学
是否留学:是 || 留学国别:德国 || 留学时间:2014年-2019年
联系方式: || 邮箱:lihuiyu@bistu.edu.cn || 通讯地址:威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站健翔桥校区
2019年11月-至今 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站
1. 现代光学基础
2. 工程光学
3. 工程伦理
1. 北京市教委一般项目,KM202211232018,用于裸眼3D技术多观察位的超表面光学结构研究,在研,主持;
2. 北京市自然科学基金青年项目,4214081,面向微型光泵浦磁力仪的超表面光学系统研究,在研,主持;
3. 重点实验室纵向课题,z2019033,基于超表面材料的医学图像增强方法测试,2019.11-2022.11,10万元,在研,主持
1. Li, Huiyu, Liwei Fu, Karsten Frenner, and Wolfgang Osten. “A cascaded plasmonic superlens for far-field imaging with magnification at visible wavelength." Optics Express 26, no. 8 (2018): 10888-10897.
2. Li, Huiyu, Liwei Fu, Karsten Frenner, and Wolfgang Osten. “Cascaded DBR plasmonic cavity lens for far-field subwavelength imaging at visible wavelength." Optics Express, 26, no. 15 (2018): 19574-19582.
3. Li, Huiyu, Liwei Fu, Karsten Frenner, and Wolfgang Osten. "Nanofabrication results of a novel cascaded plasmonic superlens: lessons learned." In Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology VI, vol. 10330, p. 103300Y. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2017.
4. Li, Huiyu, Liwei Fu, Karsten Frenner, and Wolfgang Osten. "Nanofabrication of a cascaded plasmonic superlens," Inst. für Tech. Opt. Annu. Rep. 2015/2016, 53 (2016).
5. Li, Hui-Yu, Qi Li, Jian-Yu She, Yong-Peng Zhao, De-Ying Chen, and Qi Wang. "Research into Influence of Gaussian Beam on Terahertz Radar Cross Section of a Semicircular Boss." Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 34, no. 7-8 (2013): 480-487.
6. Li, Hui-Yu, Qi Li, Kai Xue, Yong-Peng Zhao, De-Ying Chen, and Qi Wang. "Research into influence of Gaussian beam on terahertz radar cross section of a conducting cylinder." Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 34, no. 3-4 (2013): 289-298.
7. Li, Hui-Yu, Qi Li, Zhi-Wei Xia, Yong-Peng Zhao, De-Ying Chen, and Qi Wang. "Influence of Gaussian beam on terahertz radar cross section of a conducting sphere." Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 34, no. 1 (2013): 88-96.
8. 李慧宇,李琦,佘剑雨,赵永蓬,陈德应,王骐. "高斯光束对二维导体平板太赫兹雷达散射截面影响.” 中国激光. 40 no. 7 (2013): 0711001.
9. 李慧宇,李琦,佘剑雨,赵永蓬,陈德应,王骐. "高斯光束对平板上突起的单站太赫兹雷达散射截面的影响." 中国激光40 no. s1 (2013): s114001.
10. 李慧宇,李琦,夏志伟,赵永蓬,陈德应,王骐. “高斯光圆柱太赫兹雷达散射截面的影响.” 中国激光, 39 no. s1 (2012): s111002.
11. Li, Hui-Yu, Qi Li, Zheng-Jun Liu, Yong-Peng Zhao, De-Ying Chen, and Qi Wang. "Gaussian beam scattering from a hemispherical boss." In Proc. of SPIE Vol, vol. 8909, pp. 89090B-1. 2013.
12. Fu, Liwei, Audrey Berrier, Huiyu Li, Philipp Schau, Karsten Frenner, Martin Dressel, and Wolfgang Osten. "Depolarization of a randomly distributed plasmonic meander metasurface characterized by Mueller matrix spectroscopic ellipsometry." Optics Express 24, no. 24 (2016): 28056-28064.
13. Fu, Liwei, Karsten Frenner, Huiyu Li, and Wolfgang Osten. "A silicon superlens with a simple design working at visible wavelengths." In SPIE Photonics Europe, pp. 98900I-98900I. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016.
Design, fabrication and characterization of a cascaded plasmonic superlens for the visible spectrum,2019,ISBN 978-3-923560-96-7
1. 李慧宇等. “一种光泵浦碱金属原子磁力仪用微型化探头结构.”2022,已授权
2. 李琦,薛凯,李慧宇,陈德应,王骐."基于单支连续太赫兹激光源的RCS测量装置." CN102435987B, 授权日期:2013.05.01.
3. 李琦,薛凯,李慧宇,陈德应,王骐."应用于太赫兹激光源的电控可变扩束比装置." CN 102508223 A, 授权日期:2013.06.20.