于明鑫 副教授 硕导




性别:男 || 出生年月:1983.08 || 政治面貌:中共党员


最后学历:博士研究生 || 最后学位:博士 || 获学位单位:北京理工大学

是否留学:是 || 留学国别:美国 || 留学时间:2013.11-2014.11 2015.10-2016.06

联系方式: || 邮箱:yumingxin@bistu.edu.cn || 通讯地址:北京市海淀区清河小营东路12


硕导/博导:硕导 || 批硕/博导时间:2020.01

在读硕士:8 || 毕业硕士:2









Intelligent Data Analysis期刊编委、副主编(计算机协会CCF推荐SCI期刊)



IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、Neurocomputing、Intelligent Data Analysis、Measurement and Control等SCI期刊审稿人


2019.01~至今 威廉希尔·(WilliamHill)中国官方网站 副教授

2018.06~2018.12 威廉希尔·(WilliamHill)中国官方网站 讲师

2015.10~2018.05 北京理工大学 博士后

2015.10~2016.06 美国东北大学 Visiting Research Scientist

2013.11~2014.11 美国东北大学 访问学者














Ø 第一作者发表的论文:

1. Mingxin Yu, Jun Wang, et al. Multi-local feature and attention fused person re-identification method. Intelligent Data Analysis, Prepress, 2024.

2. Mingxin Yu, Lianyu Li, Rui You, Xinsong Ma, Chengjie Zheng, Lianqing Zhu, Tao Zhang. A general framework for qualitative analysis of Raman spectroscopy based on deep learning. Microchemical Journal, 199, 109990, 2024. (Top)

3. Mingxin Yu, Jingya Ding, Wanquan Liu, Jiabin Xia, Shengjun Liang, Rixing Jing, Lianqing Zhu, Tao Zhang. Deep multi-feature fusion residual network for oral squamous cell carcinoma classification and its intelligent system using Raman spectroscopy. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 86(Part C): 105339, 2023.

4. Mingxin Yu, Hao Yan, Jing Han, Yingzi Lin, Lianqing Zhu, Xiaoying Tang, Guangkai Sun, Yanlin He, and Yikang Guo. EEG-based Tonic Cold Pain Assessment Using Extreme Learning Machine. Intelligent Data Analysis, 24(1): 163-182, 2020.

5. Mingxin Yu, Yichen Sun, Bofei Zhu, Lianqing Zhu, Yingzi Lin, Xiaoying Tang, Yikang Guo, Guangkai Sun, and Mingli Dong. Diverse Frequency Band-Based Convolutional Neural Networks for Tonic Cold Pain Assessment Using EEG. Neurocomputing, 37: 270-282, 2020. (Top)

6. Mingxin Yu, Hao Yan, Jiabin Xia, Lianqing Zhu, Tao Zhang, Zhihui Zhu, Xiaoping Lou, Guangkai Sun, and Mingli Dong. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma Classification Using Raman Spectroscopy. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 26: 430-435, 2019.

7. Mingxin Yu, Xiaoying Tang, Yingzi Lin, David Schmidt, and Xiangzhou Wang. An Eye Detection Method Based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. Intelligent Data Analysis, 22(2): 345-362, 2018.

8. Mingxin Yu, Xiaoying Tang, Yingzi Lin, and Xiangzhou Wang. Diesel engine modeling based on recurrent neural networks for a hardware-in-the-loop simulation of diesel generator sets. Neurocomputing, 283: 9-19, 2018. (Top)


1. Jingya Ding (博士研究生), Lianqing Zhu, Mingxin Yu*, et al. PMONN: an optical neural network for photonic integrated circuits based on micro-resonator. Optical Express, 32(5): 7832-7847, 2024. (Top)

2. Lianyu Li (硕士研究生), Mingxin Yu*, et al. Deep learning method for multi-task intelligent detection of oral cancer based on optical fiber Raman spectroscopy. Analytical methods, 11(16): 1659-1673, 2024.

3. Ji Zhang (硕士研究生), Mingxin Yu*, et al. A novel dual-granularity lightweight transformer for vision tasks. Intelligent Data Analysis, Prepress, 2024.

4. Shengjun Liang (硕士研究生), Mingxin Yu*, et al. A lightweight vision transformer with symmetric modules for vision tasks. Intelligent Data Analysis, 27(6):1741-1757, 2023.

5. Yichen Sun (博士研究生), Mingli Dong, Mingxin Yu*, et al. Review of Diffractive Deep Neural Networks. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 40(11): 2951-2961, 2023.

6. Yichen Sun (博士研究生), Mingli Dong, Mingxin Yu*, et al. A method to improve the computational performance of nonlinear all-optical diffractive deep neural network model. International Journal of Opomechatronics, 17(1): 2209624, 2023.

7. Yichen Sun (博士研究生), Mingxin Yu*, Luyang Wang, et al. A Deep Learning-Based GPS Signal Spoofing Detection Method for small UAVs. Drones, 7(6): 370, 2023.

8. Linlin Shan (硕士研究生), Mingxin Yu, Jiabin Xia, et al. Overlapped spectral demodulation of fiber Bragg grating using convolutional time-domain audio separation network. Optical Engineering, 62(6): 066104, 2023.

9. Chaofan Deng (硕士研究生), Mingxin Yu, et al. A deep learning algorithm ADPNet for strain and temperature decoupling of fiber bragg gratings. Optical Fiber Technology, 79: 103356, 2023.

10. Peiyao Wang (硕士研究生), Mingxin Yu*, et al. A deep learning-based method for calculating aircraft wing loads. Measurement and Control, 56(7-8): 1129-1141, 2023.

11. Xiaohan Chang (硕士研究生), Mingxin Yu*, et al. Deep Learning Methods for Oral Cancer Detection Using Raman Spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 126: 103522, 2023.

12. Yichen Sun (硕士研究生), Mingli Dong, Mingxin Yu*, et al. Modeling and simulation of all-optical diffractive neural network based on nonlinear optical materials. Optics Letters, 47(1): 126-129, 2022. (Top)

13. Yuchen Bai (硕士研究生), Mingxin Yu*, et al. Quantized photonic neural network modeling method based on microring modulators. Optical Engineering, 61(6): 061409, 2022.

14. Yichen Sun (硕士研究生), Mingli Dong, Mingxin Yu*, et al. Non-linear All-optical Diffractive Deep Neural Network with 10.6μm Wavelength for Image Classification. International Journal of Optics, 2021: 6667495. (SCI)

15. Jiabin Xia (博士研究生), Lianqing Zhu, Mingxin Yu, et al. Analysis and Classification of Oral Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma Based on Raman Spectroscopy and Convolutional Neural Networks. Journal of Modern Optics, 67(6): 481-489, 2020.

16. Hao Yan (硕士研究生), Mingxin Yu, et al. Diverse Region-Based CNN for Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma Classification with Raman Spectroscopy. IEEE Access, 8: 127313-127328, 2020.

17. Jingya Ding (硕士研究生), Mingxin Yu, et al. Diverse spectral band-based deep residual network for tongue squamous cell carcinoma classification using fiber optic Raman spectroscopy. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 32: 102048, 2020.

18. Hao Yan (硕士研究生), Mingxin Yu, et al. Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma Discrimination with Raman Spectroscopy and Convolutional Neural Networks. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 103: 102938, 2019.