性别:女 || 出生年月:1984.11 || 政治面貌:中共党员
最后学历:博士研究生 || 最后学位:工学博士 || 获学位单位:北京航空航天大学
联系方式: || 邮箱:niuhs@buaa.edu.cn || 通讯地址:威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站酒仙桥校区
硕导/博导:硕导 || 批硕/博导时间:2018年7月
在读硕士: 2人 || 毕业硕士:0 || 在读博士:0 || 毕业博士:0
1. Niu Haisha, Meng Yuanyuan, Liufeng et,al. Theoretical and experimental study of liquid refractive index measurement method based on the double external-cavity-laser feedback effect [J]. Journal of Optics, 2019, 12(21):125603
2. Niu Haisha,Yu Mingxin,Yao Qifeng,et al. Design and Implementation of diffraction grating based on 10.6μm all-optical depth neural network [J]. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2020, 39(1), 13- 18.
3. Niu Haisha,Zhu Lianqing, Liu Kaiming. Design method of Bemal-Stacked bilayer graphene 1.06 pm resonance- enhanced photodetector [J]. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2019, 37(1), 83- 88.
4. Niu Haisha, Zhu Lianqing, Songjianjun. Sub-extemal cavity effect and elimination method in laser self-mixing interference wave plate measurement system[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2018, 27(2):024201.
5. Niu Haisha, Zhu Lianqing, Songjianjun. Laser Intensity Variation in Amplitude and Phase I,Nduced by Elliptically Polarized Feedback[J], Chinese Physics Letters, 2018(5).
6. Niu Haisha, Zhu Lianqing, Songjianjun. Large range stress measurement system based on large frequency difference laser self-mixing interference[J]. Optical Engineering, 2018, 57(7), 074109.
7. Niu Haisha, Niu Yanxiong, Liu Ning et al. Theoretical and experimental research on influence of cavity frequency difference in birefnngent laser feedback system[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2018, 67(15): 154201.
8. Niu Haisha, Niu Yanxiong, Liu Ning et al..Measurement of stress-induced birefringence in glasses based on reflective laser feedback effect [J]. Optical Engineering,56(2), 2017,pp. 1-6
9. Niu Haisha, Niu Yanxiong, Liu Ning et al.Correction of error induced by nonlinear movement of feedback mirror in laser feedback stress measurement system [J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2015, 64(8): 084208
10. Zhuang Wei, Niu Haisha, Zhu Lianqing.A curvature sensor based on single mode-no-core-twisted single mode fiber structure, Optical Fiber Technology, 2019(48),225-228.
11. Niu Haisha, Niu Yanxiong, Li Jiyang. KTP crystal thickness distribution measurements based on laser feedback interferometry [J]. Applied Optics, Vbl.53(19), 2014, pp. 4195-4199.
12. Li Jiyang, Niu Haisha, Niu Yanxiong. Laser feedback interferometry and applications: a review[J]. Optical Engineering, 2017, 56(5): 050901.