性别:男 || 出生年月:1987.01 || 政治面貌:中共党员
最后学历: 博士研究生 || 最后学位: 博士 || 获学位单位:北京邮电大学
是否留学:是 || 留学国别:加拿大 || 留学时间:2012-2016
联系方式: 010-84176477 || 邮箱:guangchen54@foxmail.com || 通讯地址:威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站酒仙桥校区
硕导/博导:硕导 || 批硕/博导时间:2022年12月
在读硕士:8 || 毕业硕士:0 || 在读博士:0 || 毕业博士:0
IEEE Photonics Society Member, OSA/OPTICA Member
长期担任IEEE, OPTICA等学会期刊审稿人
2020年10月-2022年9月 北京邮电大学,信息光子学与光通信国家重点实验室
2022年9月至今 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,威廉体育williamhill
1. 基于信道复用Fano共振的高能效比光子神经拟态存内计算形成机制 国家自然科学基金项目 62205029
2. 零静态功耗片上光子卷积加速器实现方法研究 北京市教委科研计划科技一般项目 KM202311232020
3. 基于光子卷积神经网络的“感-存-算-用”一体集成硅基光电子芯片 北京市教委科技计划项目 KM202411232020
4. “青年骨干教师”支持计划项目
5. 用于光子卷积计算的硅基Fano共振电光调制器 校科研基金项目 2023XJJ08
1. Guang Chen, Jianxin Ma, Kuiru Wang, Jinhui Yuan, Xian Zhou, Yuwei Qu, Binbin Yan, Xinzhu Sang, and Chongxiu Yu, “A multiplexing scheme for digital signal processing-assisted coherent radio over fiber system”, OSA Continuum, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1381-1395, Apr. 2021.
2. Guang Chen, Jianxin Ma, Kuiru Wang, Jinhui Yuan, Binbin Yan, Xinzhu Sang, and Chongxiu Yu, “Multiplexing Technique Using Tandem Optical Single-Sideband Modulation, Orthogonal Multiplexing and DSP-assisted Coherent Detection”, IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics 2017 (MWP 2017), Beijing, China.
3. Guang Chen, Jianxin Ma, Kuiru Wang, Jinhui Yuan, Binbin Yan, Xinzhu Sang, and Chongxiu Yu, “Enabling Optical Tandem Single-sideband and Orthogonal Multiplexing Scheme for Coherent Radio over Fiber Systems with Digital Subcarrier Modulation”, IEEE/OSA Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2019 (ACP 2019), Chengdu, China.
4. Guang Chen, et. al., “Regeneration of DQPSK Signals Using Semiconductor Optical Amplifier-Based Phase Regenerator”, International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT), IET Conference Publications.
5. Guang Chen, et. al., “Optimization of Regenerator Based on Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Degraded Differential Phase Shift Keying Signal”, Chinese Physics B, Volume 21, Number 6: 064222.
6. Y. Xu, L. Lu, G. Chen, et al., "T-shaped silicon waveguide coupled with a micro-ring resonator-based Fano resonance modulator", OPTICA Applied Optics, vol. 61, no. 31, pp. 9217-9224, Oct. 2022.
7. Y. Xu, L. Lu, G. Chen, et al., "A Tunable Multi-Port Fano Resonator Based on Mach-Zehnder Interferometers Coupling with Micro-Ring Resonators", Photonics, 2022, 9(10): 725.
8. Yuming Huang, Lidan Lu, Guang Chen, Yingjie Xu, and Lianqing Zhu, "Design and optimization of an SOI-based electro-absorption-type VOA," Appl. Opt., vol. 62, no. 24, pp. 6316-6322, 2023.
9. H. Li, L. Lu, G. Chen, et al., "A Tunable Multi-Port Fano Resonator Based on Mach-Zehnder Interferometers Coupling with Micro-Ring Resonators", Photonics, 2024, 3(10): 725.
10. L. Shi, L. Lu, G. Chen, et al., "GaAs Linear Polarizer with Extinction Ratio for Extended Short-wave Infrared Detection", Photonics, 2023, 10: 489.
11. L. Shi, L. Lu, G. Chen, et al., "Si-based Polarizer and 1-Bit Phase-controlled Non-polarizing Beam Splitter-based Integrated Metasurface for Extended Shortwave Infrared", Nanomaterials, 2023, 13, 2592.
12. J. Wen, X, Zheng, L. Lu, G. Chen, et al., “Influence of V/III Flux Ratio on Type-II InAs/Superlattice for very-long Wavelength”, Micro and Nanostructures, vol. 178, 2023, 207578.
13. Lidan Lu, Guang Chen, Weiqiang Cheng, Yihao Wang, Mingli Dong, Jianzhen Ou, Lianqing Zhu, “Temperature decoupled silicon photonics based Fano resonance ion sensor”, Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 177, 2024, 111097.